Changes are good!

Well, another Vancouver Pride Weekend has come, stirred up a feast of fun and left us all in it’s dusty path. What a great weekend! Good times with my friends, awesome events and great weather. Our annual parade party on Sunday was a massive success....we had a blast. Quite a few more people than we had anticipated, but, the rooftop patio is still standing, so I shall not say anything else but thank you to EVERYONE who made it such an awesome party!! I’ll have some pics up soon....I’ve been too busy working on client and business stuff to get them edited. Soon, I promise!

On that note, amidst all the work that I’m knee deep in right now, I’m still working on getting the new logo design finalized. After much canvassing and feedback from various resources, coming up with a logo has now evolved into something much larger than I anticipated. The logo itself has taken the sidelines to new issue of the business name. Over much debate, I’m considering dropping (or, “shifting” perhaps) the “Adventures In Digital” part of the name, leaving my business name as “John Heil Photography”. I’m still iffy on the change so at the moment I’m just testing things out to see how I like it. The main reason is obviously around branding of myself and my business. I should be leaving people with an impression of my name, not some business name that they likely won’t get right anyway. A lot of people actually get the name wrong most of the time. Although, a lot of people pronounce and spell my name wrong as well, and that’s part of why I didn’t start out using just my name. There’s lots of pros and cons, but I think the pros are beating the odds here. I’m gonna give it a go for awhile and see how it flys. Feel free to start visiting http://www.johnheilphotography.com instead of www.adventuresindigital.com
I think it’s going to make my marketing and advertising a lot easier as I won’t be struggling with fitting in so much text. I may leave the “adventures in digital” after the business name in some of the marketing stuff though.... Who knows. It’s a trial stage for now I guess. What do you guys think about it?

With the logo change has come a website and new blog as well. A few key changes included color, layout and cleaning up clutter. So, I’ve cleaned up my links, and added some kickass new features that incorporate lots of color into the site. I wanted more color to begin with, but I loved the classic black and gray I had going....now, I’ve combined them so I have the best of both worlds. Each page border now transitions into a different color when clicked....a feature I totally freakin’ love. There’s still updates on the go but it’s coming along and the site should be complete by the end of the week. Take a look and if you have any suggestions at all, please don’t hesitate one bit. I am totally open to all C&C!

Alright, That's about all for now. Time to get back to work.
Here is the new logo design - about %85 finalized. I think I like it. U?

It's either this one, or perhaps I may go back to my original logo, the red nautical star. I'm still really love the simplicity of that one and suits me so well.

Hmmmm...decisions decisions.

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